When it comes to disease, who beats the odds – and why?

When it comes to spontaneous healing, skepticism abounds. Doctors are taught that “miraculous” recoveries are flukes, and as a result they don’t study those cases or take them into account when treating patients.

Enter Dr. Jeff Rediger, who has spent over 15 years studying spontaneous healing, pioneering the use of scientific tools to investigate recoveries from incurable illnesses.

“Cured  is one of the most important books I’ve ever read. Dr  Rediger presents dozens of case studies of people who defied the odds, many making complete recoveries even after being told to go home and get their affairs in order. In this book, he shows us why they recovered but he also gives us insights into how we, too, can tap into this amazing curative and regenerative power of the human body. This is a deeply inspiring book. I could hardly put it down”

“Seasoned with the author’s penetrating insights about healing, clearly articulated science and illuminating case histories, Cured opens genuine vistas of transforming illness into health even in the face of diagnoses conventional medical thinking habitually dismisses as hopeless.”

“Cured is a rare glimpse into the mysteries of human health and disease. Why do some people with incurable disease suddenly heal? This phenomenon has been ignored by medicine rather than investigated. Dr. Rediger finally asks what we can learn from these cases of spontaneous remission and how can we activate the power of the human body using the mind to harness our body’s own healing systems.”