About Jeffrey Rediger, MD, MDiv

Jeffrey Rediger MD, MDiv, is a best-selling author, a licensed physician and psychiatrist, and on the faculty of Harvard Medical School. He was the medical director of McLean SE and Community Affairs at McLean Hospital in Boston for 22 years, and concurrently for many years also the Chief of Behavioral Medicine at Good Samaritan Medical Center. In addition to his medical and psychiatric training, he has a Master of Divinity in theology and philosophy of science from Princeton Theological Seminary. His investigations into remarkable recoveries from incurable or fatal illnesses have been featured on the Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Oz, and Anderson Cooper 360 shows, among others. He has been nominated for the National Bravewell Leadership Award and has received many awards for leadership and patient care. His best-selling book, Cured: Strengthen Your Immune System and Heal Your Life, has been published in 22 languages so far and is available at both local bookstores and online.