One in 100,000 people diagnosed with cancer will experience spontaneous remission…
An experienced physician who is also a skilled, driven and compassionate writer is a winning combination…
Since 2003, I have examined the medical records for over 100 survivors of incurable and fatal illnesses, and what I’ve discovered is patterns and principles behind these miracles…
When I went to see “Miracles from Heaven,” I saw more laughter, crying and applause than I’ve ever seen in a movie theater. Clearly, this new movie — the real-life story of a young girl, suffering from an incurable illness…
If the mind can help an incurable illness, the implications for both psychology and medicine are huge…
| #BigIdeas2016
Here’s the idea that I am excited about for 2016: we have before us the beginnings of a new way of thinking about health. There are possibilities for health and vitality that we are only beginning to map, and they are going to eventually change everything for you.
Dr. Jeffrey Rediger’s research into the spontaneous remission or healing of incurable medical illness has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show. So, our Zarrow Symposium attendees were eager to hear his thoughts on incorporating spirituality into mental health treatment.